you could do a simple whole wheat dough and add some stuff like flax seeds right into the crust, its a great trick for more fiber
this is why you always keep a couple clothes in the closet that don't fit, people will say when was the last time you wore that throw it out! but this is a great reason not to
ok this maybe kinda corny but remember that chumbawumba band that had the song "i get knocked down but i get up again" that gets me ready all the time and sometimes if im into my workout i kinda sing along!
this is so amazing, one year is NOT that long if only more people could see this they would want to follow in your footsteps great work!
ha this thread is a great motivator! glad to know we all think alike! beach party this summer!!!?
great results and nice ink!
i think cardio only is great for getting started, but once it gets easy you will want more of a burn and you will branch out into other things