merriment Member


  • Me! I shoot kids/families/beach, been in business almost 3 years, but studied photography in college (a long, long time ago!) Currently shooting with a Canon 7D with a 50D backup. I'd love for any of you to friend me!
  • I just left WW and joined MFP. I had great success on WW, but it was expensive, and I would start freaking out the day before my weigh-in. I would eat very little the day before, and make sure I wore the same clothes each week, and weigh myself at home like 20 times before I went. Basically I was getting obsessive about…
  • 41 here! Definitely noticing a difference in losing weight now than when I was younger, but it's so great to have a place like this for inspiration and motivation! I'd love to be friends with any and all of you!