perpetuarose Member


  • What helped me stick with it was transitioning gradually. Going vegan for breakfast for 1 week, then adding lunch the next week, then adding dinner the following week, and then adding snacks. I didn't beat myself up for slip-ups, and made lots of satisfying vegan meals for myself that used Gardein products to help the…
  • I ate them at first but noticed I wasn't losing, so now I try to only eat a 1/4 of them if I feel physically like I need it. Now I'm losing more quickly, about 1.5-2lbs a week, as opposed to stalling out for 2-3 weeks, then losing a pound.
  • I just started MFP today and I've found so much more freedom with it. I put it in the same amount of food in WW and on MFP; on WW I have 5 points left, on MFP I have 700 calories. That feels less restrictive to me and lets me eat more. I always feel hungry on WW. And honestly, I like knowing the "how" behind my weight…