

  • I agree there can be variations whenever you weigh... honestly I think weight should be the last thing that people go by... measure it on measurement, appearance, and how clothes fit. It all depends what you are trying to achieve I guess.
  • I find myself asking the same thing sometimes... my personal opinion is to look at it as a weekly balance not necessarily a daily balance... obviously it makes sense that if you shoot to be balanced daily then you will most likely be balanced weekly. Just like you aren't supposed to weigh yourself daily i think that you…
  • YAY!!! Congrats to you!! You look great!! :o)
  • YAY!!! Good Job!! Congrats to you!!! :o) I think how clothes fit vs weight is a better way to measure progress anyways.... I love that you are not only going by the scale but also by how clothes fit... Awesome Job! :o)
  • Oh! And Fiber One has some yummo snack bars for 90 calories... most of them have chocolate in them or some other sweets :o)
  • I too have a sweet tooth... skinny cow ice cream is not bad at all... they make ice cream sandwiches that are 140 cal for one ice cream sandwich... I also think that klondike makes an ice cream sandwich that is 100 calories... i just spotted them the other day, but haven't tried them yet. Skinny cow also makes some ice…
  • Thanks, I will have to look into that... I have been doing my best to keep track and make sure I keep it balanced with calorie intake and such... thanks so much!