kefowler3 Member


  • CONGRATS! huge feat!!! a mile is a mile no matter how fast youre going :) keep up the great work!
  • Hi there, this is what the distrib would be: GRAMS per day Carb (36%): 180g Protein (26%): 130g Fats (38%): 84g based on a 2000 cal diet. When you are taking in that much protein, make sure you are drinking a TON of water to help your kidneys out and prevent kidney damage. Also, no matter what amount of protein you take…
  • Welcome Vince!!! Its a great feat that youre starting this adventure to become fit! Sore muscles can be definitely be a deterrant, so look for a foam roller (targer or walmart near the yoga gear for about $10-15). There are lots of resources out there for how to use it:…
  • depends on what kind of lifting you are going for on the leg press machine -- power or endurance? Power: cut overall weight for both legs by 40-50% (based on your 90lbs, try 45-55 lbs per leg) and do 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps Endurance: cut overall weight by 60-70% (based on your 90lbs, try 25-35 lbs per leg) and do 2 sets of…
  • i am a runner and my coach says to always train each leg individually when you are using say a leg curl or leg extension machine. that way you will be able to focus on the muscles in each leg. You will most likely have to decrease the weights (I can do 65lbs for both legs on the leg extension machine, but for single legs,…