

  • Don't give up! Give it at least 1 month of tracking what you eat. I was ready to throw in the towel after two weeks also but around the third week I started losing some weight. I keep telling myself that it didn't go on in two weeks so I shouldn't expect it to come off that quickly either. I also try to remind myself that…
  • I've always heard you can exercise as long as you don't have a fever. Hope you feel better!
    in I'm sick :( Comment by tinah22 June 2009
  • This Morning Glory Muffin from Cooking Light (July 2007) is really good and healthy. When I make a batch, I put some in the freezer. I pop it in the microwave to warm it or put it in my gym bag for an after workout snack. I've tried different kinds of dried fruit in the recipe and it's always good! 18 servings (serving…
  • I love Pilates! I've been doing it for about 3 months now and it is definitely something you get better at the more you do it. There's a lot to think about when you're doing the moves and I've noticed I'm getting more core work out of the exercises now. I don't think you burn a ton of calories but I'm definitely noticing…
    in Pilates? Comment by tinah22 June 2009
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