

  • Since I joined I've have learned something every college kid hates. YOU MUST COOK. It stinks but it is worth it. I used to eat fast food all the time and it showed. I have yet to lose a ton of weight but I'm on this sight to tone and get into fit shape for the first time of my life. Some great things to look for: check…
  • Chipolte for sure. Subway advertises the ''healthy'' way but I find if I calculate it I could have made a much better sandwich that costs less and tastes better for less the calories :) chipolte is amazing, good food, calorie counter online AND if you get the burrito salad or bowl it cuts out roughly 300 calories that are…
  • trenton thank you, I just now found the profile part (I always do this on my phone and am still kinda new to the fact that I can change things) It has recommended I eat around 1950 (when I started doing this last year I was about 160 then stopped and started again so it was on my old calorie goal) thanks everyone for…
    in HELP! Comment by sakos12 January 2011
  • Ahhh hold on I should clarify! I EAT abou 1500-1600 a day but I workout every day too (minus saturday and sunday) so I end up around1200 or 1850. I'm majoring in PT so I do understand what to few calories are don't worry :)
    in HELP! Comment by sakos12 January 2011
  • BMR Calculator (Basal Metabolic Rate) Metric BMR Calculator (found online) Height ft in Weight lbs Age Female You have a BMR of 1537.1. this would have me eating less! I'm now totally lost
    in HELP! Comment by sakos12 January 2011