Awesome Enrique. Sorry I didn't post the last few days. Today was P90X2- Chest, Back and Balance along with Ab Ripper X2 Not a difficult workout but I know I will feel it tomorrow. What did you do today?
I was going to say the most important thing is that the numbers all went up. Congratulations PLYOCIDE today. And my core is really feeling it from yesterday. Glad tomorrow is rest day
Hey Rhonda I hope you worked out today :) So I did P90X2- Chest, Back and Balance along with Ab Ripper X2 Hope everyone else did well Jimmy
Hey hope both of you are enjoying Asylum (that is a weird statement to be making huh :) So what did you find to be most challenging?
The better question is who is willing to give it another go and really try to stick to it
Today was X2 Balance & Power. Fun workout. What did you do today?
@jabrock9: That sounds like a fun challenge. What do you think of it so far? Any problems with the program yet? Was this a hybrid you got from a site or did you create it yourself? @RhondaRoss197: Even as a male I love TurboFire. It is so much fun. While not as challenging as some of the other programs it is probably one…
@spatticus to be honest I got bored fast with it. That is why I made hybrids with other programs because I knew I could not do that program on its own. I just did not see myself doing it for more than a week or two straight. What about you?
Today was Yoga-X2. Love this workout. I feel great and I'm ready for the day. What workout did you do today?
Evlesmum how did things go for you with INSANITY today? Jimmy
Welcome P90XBowler and Enrique. So today was supposed to be my day off. Yes on P90X2 you get 2 days off a week so I decided to take the Yoga mat outside by my pool, do some additional yoga, stretching and use the foam roller. Very relaxing day but I know the next 3 days will be taxing
P90X and P90X2 you do need equipment. P90X requires less. Basically you need weights of variable lbs, and a pull-up bar. These can however be swapped out for GOOD resistance bands which work similarly to weights when lifting, but also there is an attachment you can use to mimic a pull-up without a pull-up bar which is what…
So in my P90X2 workout today I had Plyocide which is similar to a Plyometrics workout but incorporating more focus on the core. This is week 4 for me so this workout is not too much of a challenge but I feel the burn afterwards. What did you do for your workout today? How was your diet?
Beachbody programs are the way to go as I have done some other at home programs and you don't get results like that from other programs. If you want more info please feel free to PM me because I can help you out
Freya have you thought about possibly continuing with more exercise? This will greatly help with losing weight
@rleath feel free to add me as a buddy also private message me. I would love to help you out and talk to you more. It is great to hear you are taking the steps towards change.
Lynne feel free to add me. I would love to help you on your path towards success :) Jimmy
@freyaheart feel free to private message me and add me. Jimmy
Hey Christina I am 22. So let me know what kind of help you want. What are your goals? Are you focusing solely on nutrition/diet or also fitness. Please let me know if you want help and feel free to private message me. Jimmy