Down the side, hmmmmmm! I personally don't need the stars to get my attention. That part of the body is a turn-on all by itself. IMHO, the foot is a nice inconspicuous place and the birds certainly are not objectionable. In the long run, you have to do what makes you the happiest.
I don't know your complete situation, but it sounds to me like your boyfriend is a little tooooooo needy. My wife and I have been married going on 45 years now, Yes. I was barely 21 when we got married and yes, we have had our problems that we have worked on together. I was jealous somewhat to begin with and hated being…
In my humble opinion, from a guy almost 65 that stills appreciates a pretty woman, I think there three places that I find appealing on a woman. The shoulder blade, somewhere on the breast just barely visible with a low cut dress, and on the ankle. I also think a smaller tat draws more attention that a larger one.…
Congratulations :smile: ! You have every right to be proud of your new self. You are truly an inspiration for those of us just getting started.