Kywesley Member


  • Like other posters have said, I also have had success just going off of what the machines have calculated, what Runkeeper calculates, or what is in the exercise database here. I also normally eat back my exercise calories as well. I would eventually like to use a HRM, but don't find it essential just yet.
  • It sounds like you may be having some friction between your foot and your footwear. You might want to try a friction reducing sock liner in a well fitting shoe.
  • It all depends on how many you can do and how stable you are. Pushups are great for building upper body strength as well as core stabilization. If your goal is upper body strength then you can certainly do the knee pushups, as you will have many of the same benefits. As you build that strength and stabilization you could…
  • Is is just whole beans that you do not like? If so, you might try something like a hummus or bean dip. One of my favorites is to mix a can of drained white beans in a food processor and puree with some garlic, lemon, salt, pepper, and parsley. It makes a great dip for fresh veggies but provides protein as well.
  • I'm fairly new to MFP but I like the way it is set up. I've tried reducing my intake without exercise and did not go far, yet while tracking with MFP and eating any exercise calories I have burned, I have consistently lost. I'm now on week 5 and am seeing a definite improvement. I'd say that diet and exercise trump diet…
  • If I'm hungry then I will eat a small snack as long as I don't go over my calorie allotment. Usually it is something like one piece of bread with a bit of peanut butter or lean protein. I try to keep my larger meals during the earlier part of the day, but that is more for comfort when I do get to sleep. If you are not…