agatronmeows Member


  • I dont personally suffer with depression, however my auntie is going through something similar. She was taking some medication, which i assume were anti-depressants. She had been trying to lose weight for ages and just wasnt budging. Which was making her even more upset. So she decided to try and not take the meds. Without…
  • Im sure others have posted but my 2 cents is maybe weight yourself only once a week, or every other week. I hardly ever weight myself, i measure myself every 2-3 weeks and it really shows my progress more. Also, if you find that maybe 2000 is too high maybe customise it down to about 1800. Its not that much but since men…
  • WHOLY CRAP! You have wrestled weightloss into submission and made it your *****! Nice work! Very inspiring!
  • Oh man totally! Im not fat but i do have chunky thighs and a bigger butt, arms and bust, but a small waist. But there are days when i dont see that as my body type (since no matter how thin i get i would still have those things be bigger), i just see it as disgusting fat. I have major issues on these days because i feel…
  • What about thinking in quantity? So for example, my family went to a restaurant and there was dessert there. So i chose to eat less and better for the main, and then have half of the normal size of cake everyone else was having. I felt good that i ate it and didnt feel bad that i did too. Just portion sizing i guess :p
  • How did you lose all your weight if you dont mind me asking. And how do you maintain it with 2200 calories? Im curious because i wanna be able to get that awesome. :D
  • Much like what everyone else has said, eating not enough and losing weight isnt a realistic way to maintain a good weight. With me the opposite has been happening, im losing measures but not as much weight as i would have expected. Im not sure how you're diet or food habbits are but what has helped me change size, is cut…
  • Oh My GOSH! You look fantastic! I was gonna go on the motivation thread but i know that this is the place for inspiration! Well done! Im excited to see you around again when you're down to your goal weight!
  • I would love to try that out! I think i need to get a bit more fit before i jump into that one :p
  • I love the 20 min one too. There is a 30 min one, i think its cardio remix and its a little more pumped but its short so its cool. :D