

  • I just joined myself a few days ago and I also LOVE this site! My boss actually told me about it. We are doing our own version of the Biggest Loser at our job and we all put money in, and the "Biggest Loser" gets to go shopping for new clothes for their slimmer body! That's a great motivation, but just knowing that I am…
    in Hi Comment by wmbeery January 2008
  • Thanks so much, Eve. I need all the help I can get!
  • I truly wish you the absolute best with changing your lifestyle to improve your health. As we all know here, it's not easy and we all struggle. So I would really like to be an encouragement to you, especially with your heart condition. I know that alone can be motivation enough to get you going, but for those days you just…
  • Hi all! What a great site this is! Joined a few days ago and lovin' it. I am doing a "biggest loser" with my co-workers and my boss suggested we sign up here. Love tracking everything I am doing. Need the visuals to keep going. Good luck to all of you! :wink: