

  • Hiya Jomalone2, Some considerations: When was your last medical check up? Are you taking hormones or need them? Apparently you still need estrogen after a hysterectomy (from what I've read). There are other troubles that can cause sweats and hot flushes, like thyroid problems, anemia, diabetes, allergies, stress, hunger,…
  • Hi all, So happy to find this group! it's great to be able to connect with peers on the same path! I was interested in the comments on Chromium as this is something I've just been trying out. I have a book: The Perricone Prescription by Dr Nicholas Perricone (2002). He recommends Chromium GTF (glucose tolerance factor) to…
  • Wow! it's been a long time since I only needed to lose 10 lbs and under. You all look good! I'm 5'1" and my doctor said I have to lose at least 40 lbs. I'm 185lbs at this point...people say "you carry your weight well", I'd like to not carry extra at all. Other than this I have amazingly good health for 54 years of age.…
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