leesa2020 Member


  • Hey D - yeah we can post here Here's mine from yesterday: Countdown - 111days and 84lbs to go Goal Date: 5/1/11 Starting weight 247.8 Goal weight: 163.8 Yesterday wasn't so good for me but I am returning today to do better! I am going to start the exercise portion today. See ya tomorrow!! =)
  • YAAAAY!! - See you guys tomorrow!!! 111 Day journey begins tomorrow!!! -Just got back from "Wally-World" (Walmart) - got all my food - ready to Smash some Fat! ..lol See ya'll tomorrow :happy:
  • Hi staceyb_2003 No it's a show on MTV in the US. You can watch episodes here: http://www.mtv.com/shows/i_used_to_be_fat/series.jhtml
  • YAAAAY!!! Let's start on Monday - 1/10/11 :bigsmile: So Excited!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: The diet i'll be following is " Extreme Fat Smash Diet" - Dr. Ian Smith I bought my book last year @ Books A Million - it was like $12 or $13 bucks you can also check out the reviews on amazon.com - the plan works - the food is…