

  • :smile: Jenny, I would first and foremost like to apologize for my recent reply to your call for help. My advice was neither positive or supportive, but that was not my intent. I went for what appeared to be the largest hurdle in your effort to loose body fat. I am sincerely sorry. One of the best quotes I've read…
  • I will be brutally honest. I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated that maybe your "business" is an excuse. What would your world look like if you put yourself (health) first instead of your "job" and were still a productive employee or owner? You are currently living your own example of making a priority of…
  • This has been your most difficult challenge; deciding to start and then actually doing it. Great first Step! This process can be a little like AA, it's all about TODAY. Not what happened yesterday and not 3 months down the road. Watch your expectations, they can get ahead of you and divert you from what you need to do…