

  • Removing "big bones" from the conept of fat, yes - bones are different sizes. There's not too much variance among healthy adults in bone diameter, but there's a lot of variance in bone length. Says my 6'5 husband to his 5'4 sister. Being taller gives you more height to distribute the weight. At 5'11 my "ideal body weight"…
  • Feel free to add me. Currently ~223 and az 18 bottom, XL top. Aiming for a az 14/175 lbs.
  • A lot of things I thought I'd be able to do, I won't. My skin is just too wrecked. But that's ok. The things I will be able to do are enough for me. I've already accomplished a lot of them: - Go to a restaurant and not worry if the booths will offer enough clearance, or the chair arms will be too tight. - Fly on a plane,…