

  • Cut a fairly ripe banana lengthwise and grill in a dry non-stick pan til nicely brown if you are craving sweet - really makes the natural sugars of the banana come to life and kills a sweet craving as it actually fills you up
  • I slice a tomato into 4 thick slices (only when tomatoes are nice and ripe otherwise it's awful) and use them like crackers - some chives and lots of fresh cracked pepper
  • Not sure, but do you think it might help to start measuring inches instead of scale movement at this point - sounds like your fitness is increasing and you may be having a false frustration as you lower your % body fat without actually dropping pounds...
  • SW 135 CW 130 GW 125 UGW 125 6/1 6/10 6/15 6/22 6/30
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