

  • Feel free to add me. You can do it- start making small changes and before you know it you'll be on your way!
  • Hey! My mom is in the same boat and has managed to keep both the bp and diabetes in check through diet and exercise. She did it one step at a time- but it most definitely is a lifestyle change, and she's healthier than ever. The rest of the family reaps the benefits of her clean cooking and eating as well. You can do it-…
  • I think it definitely depends on where you're going - a trendier place I'd say dress for sure. Otherwise jeans and a cute top should suffice. ALWAYS wear heels- most of all just be comfortable enough to have a good time!
  • I think it's something you just get accustomed to once you start. I'm at my desk for a major part of the day and make sure I have a bottle by me through out the day. Adding crystal light helps change it up- and they have various flavors. I just try to mix it up by brewing teas, etc. Sometimes when really desperate to get…
  • Bad Breath, BO and cockiness.
  • I'm 5'7 and 140lbs- goal is to be 130, but its a number fixation more than anything.
  • Name/ real name: RiyaO Goal weight on August 31st : 135 8/01: 140.8 8/06: 140 8/13: 8/20: 8/27: 8/31:
  • Hang in there- if you've been doing 1200 for too long, might need to change it up. I agree with one of the previous comments about cardio shocking the body, I went on an intense cardio spree for about a week- and it really helped get things moving. Also you might pay attention to the types of calories you're consuming i.e.…
    in Plateau Comment by RiyaO August 2012
  • Single- never married, no kids, no problems!
  • Thanks for all the input ladies. I had a chocolate protein shake for breakfast and it helped at that time, but right after I had lunch I thought I might go crazy if I didn't have some chocolate. I never heard about the craving around TMO - that could possibly be it, but since I've never had it before hard to tell. A friend…
  • I'm a huge foodie too- it's more about just learning to work with your body. As far as exercise you may experiment with running, dancing, zumba- anything that you might find enjoyable. Any movement, is good movement : )
  • After a long run esp outside I'll have a popsicle or a fudge-sicle usually between 15-40 calories so I build them in. I LOVE chocolate, so every other day I indulge in a jello pudding cup or mousse cup at 60 calories.
  • You're already feeling guilty with just a sliver of it, imagine the feeling when you eat more? Nothing tastes as good as feeling in control! Go outside for lunch!
  • Sorry about the situation- I've faced something similar in the past with a guy I was "Dating" for a year and a half. He said all the things I wanted to hear but also said he wasn't ready for anything serious- I went along with it, and one night got left standing behind while he went home with another girl. Save yourself…
  • Oatmeal or Kashi- the almond crunch is delishhhhhh!
  • I would love to participate- let me know what I need to do.
  • Hi! I work 50+ hours at a desk job, so I need all the motivation to not skip out on the gym!!!