

  • I have the occasional coke(Pepsi or rootbeer) and coffee. When I'm on night shift I might have a cup around 11 or 12. I get home around 6 in the morning and not in bed til 730. Living in Houston and working in a hot environment, I sweat profusely. It sounds gross, but if I drink a coke or coffee I get jitters real bad and…
  • From everything I have read, from a sleep standpoint, you should work out when you first get up. I'm like you when I get home after shift I'm beat. My 12 shift usually ends up being a 16 to 18 hour day with travel and family. On avg. I get about 6 or less hours of sleep. It's hard to get up some days to work out. I don't…
  • I am an Electrician and Instrument Tech on a 12 hr rotating shift, the Dupont Schedule.