

  • I hope so too, thnx for the add :smile:
    in hi :) Comment by jenjensav May 2012
  • try it, it really works for me.. hope it does for you too. :smile:
  • I work at my sons school and one day one of the boys said something to my son about me being fat. He wasn't a particularly nice boy and I had told him off for a minor problem that morning and he decided the best way to hurt me back was by hurting my son... it happens unfortunately.. but my son isn't a fighter and refused…
  • Glad to meet you too Peter :)
    in hi :) Comment by jenjensav May 2012
  • You can do it!! I'm finding I'm not eating enough fruit and I weigh myself too often.. this makes me fed up... so I'm throwing out the scales and weighing myself once a week at the gym before I become obsessed!! Are you crafty or artistic?? I find i pick at night.. if i have something else to do I dont pick as much..…
  • Have to admit I'm a bit of a boredom eater too.. these days it just seemed to be any excuse.. i think thats what made me stop and think. I have 3 kids now.. a 10 yr old son and 7 yr old twin girls.. so I feel your pain whoever it was said they had their children in a short space of time.. its so hard sometimes.. my husband…
    in hi :) Comment by jenjensav May 2012
  • Thank you both for your replies, I've sent you both friend requests... its nice to know there are others out there in the same boat that are willing to help each other. :)
    in hi :) Comment by jenjensav May 2012
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