

  • Thanks for replies guys, not seen any negative reviews on it yet which is rare! I've got a fast day tomorrow so going to have a meal soon (7pm UK time) and then save myself for a 500cal meal tomorrow at around 7pm. On my last fast day I had a small breakfast and small dinner so going to try to save myself for a large…
  • Will do :) feeling differences already, I feel a lot more energised and find myself being a lot more careful on the days I'm not fasting. The 500 calorie days really make you realise how much food you eat normally that you don't need!
  • Plus want to get into something that I can see myself doing long term - for health benefits aswell as weightloss - instead of a fad diet ill want to give up after a week!
  • Thanks :) Done quite a bit of research but just wanted to hear from people's first hand experiences, apparently it's a lot better for you than any other of the diets out there? Meh I dunno ha
  • It's more of a 'lifestyle' change, you eat normally for 5 days and restrict yourself to 500 calories each for two days eg Monday and Wednesday, latest craze to hit the UK apparently!
  • I'm a TA, training to be a teacher. Add me :)