She's not still growing, she's reached her max. One of the problems of early onset puberty. We did see a Registered Dietitian, on referral from her Pediatrician and Cardiologist. Thank you, I will try Spark Teens. It was a Registered Dietitian we saw. I'm not too worried what she's eating, it's more of making sure we get…
I'm on my second Mirena (had my daughter nearly 12 years ago), and other than the pain from when it was first inserted, and the pain from when that one was removed as it was then expired and a new one put in, I've not had any pain with it. I also have had no menstrual cycles either, for that, I am EXTREMELY happy!!!
I use my UP band to tell me what my exercise calories are and I log those in under my cardiovascular, and those are fairly accurate. My food numbers are accurate as I am measuring and scanning barcodes (making sure info on pkg matches barcodes because often it hasn't). On some days I can have up to 700 calories burnt…