

  • looking great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thank you so much for all of your comments, it truly has put me back on work mode and to know that it's not only me it feels better. I will try your ideas and see which ones I can stay on for the long run. THANK YOU! you have made a difference :)
  • Thank you so much for your story. It inspire me that you have lost all that weight with easy and simple things. I just started about 2 weeks ago so I'm eager to see the pounds dropping, I lost 1.6 pounds which is great, but totally destroyed it over the weekend and gained it all back and it kind of discourage me, but I…
  • Those are great suggestions. Well mostly is that I have too much free time, my boyfriend and I tend to eat out a lot which does not help at all. I do not have a smart phone, so I have to wait until I get home to log my food and calorie intake. I think if I plan and sent my mind that weekends are not free days to eat out…