

  • Tons and tons of vegetarian/vegan recipes including some awesome sweets. Also a healthy living blog, full of running tips.
  • I'm logging everything. If I go way over... well, tomorrow is a new day.
  • No one watches movies for realism, but you still have woman going and comparing it to a real relationship. That's why I see all those "I want a Notebook Romance" things on Tumblr. Heh.
  • I've never seen it. No desire. Unrealistic expectations placed on a relationship causes discontent.
  • I like longish hair. I also like a beard... but it usually needs to be sort of in an ironic way (he can look like a lumberjack, but I don't want him to BE a lumber jack...)
  • I'm an atheist. So, faith in myself, I suppose. It isn't like a higher being guides to say "no" to the donuts. ;D
  • Truth. You made me smile. ;)
  • I'm super duper big and I'm just starting to run outside again! I wear a 16W so... I just found really well-fitting running clothes that don't let anything "jiggle" too badly, it definitely boosted my confidence. Yeah, someone MAY stare and laugh at me, but the way I see it is I'm doing it. Most likely, I'm getting more…
  • I love raw food! I'd seriously make nutty raw food recipes every meal if I could afford that many nuts, hehe. When are people going to learn this is not *just* a weight loss site? When I get to where I want to be weight-wise, I plan on keeping my food diary so I can stay accountable and develop even healthier habits. Right…
  • I always laugh when people try to use credentials to try and justify their viewpoint. Especially when it comes from a place of not understanding the other side: I've never ever EVER met a homeschooling family that wasn't competent. My mom had an associate degree, but I still came out at the top of my class in college for…
  • That's a shame. I feel sorry that the friends' parents didn't do more to encourage social interaction. =( I think it's also one of the biggest misconceptions across the board -- I was homeschooled, and my mom took me to a co-op group weekly. I went on dates, did sports, etc. If anything, it really honed my ability to make…
  • Since I was about 4, I've had a quirky eating habit: I can't eat the end of the hot dog. I can eat the FIRST end of it, and even use my teeth to get the last bit of meat out of the leftover end, but I absolutely cannot eat the gathered end on one side.
  • My rule of thumb for "cheating" has really been anything I wouldn't want to do right in front of my spouse, including seemingly harmless flirting e-mails. This guy takes the douchenozzle cake. He does it right in front of you!
  • This! I hate when people assign rigid gender roles to children! My boy has long blonde hair and a baby doll. He loves the dirt, trains, and gymnastics. People generally don't respond well to it, including my family. The way I see it is that he loves to take care of his baby, pretend to feed it (he asks "is that yummy?" and…
  • Check out "Poor Girl Eats Well" for a polenta pizza crust, and (never home) maker has all sorts of "healthy" crusts -- some even use beet and pumpkin puree.
  • You look beautiful and healthy!
  • Tell them Derby girls need a little hip! You should do it, I see women of all sizes. On my own team, even. Our team goes from underweight to obese, literally! All in between. It's very accepting. :)
  • I forgot when I told the woman while I was in labor how much I weigh, she said WOW it doesn't look like you weigh that much!
  • "You look great, for just having a kid." Any variation of your face is beautiful, amazing, etc. I have a rest of me too :) My face is completely disproportionate to my body though -- you couldn't tell I'm overweight by a picture of my face.
  • New Bucket list items: Buy a scale that does a full-body scan, including inches, what's bloat, what's in my belly, etc etc. I can dream, right? =D Spaceflight! (Hey, with this past week, it'll happen in my lifetime) Thanks for the interesting input, everyone. Much appreciated
  • For the people who are telling her to keep it out of the house, that's good advice... but ... I was a secret binger. I'd go to the grocery store LOOKING for foods to binge on while I was home alone. I'd eat a tub of sherbert, half a bag of bbq chips (I'm sure at the time I'd keep going, I just couldn't eat anymore) and a…
  • I think my scale is terrible anyway, I can step on it and get one reading and a minute later it's four pounds heavier. It's on concrete... I don't base my worth on it, but it's completely demotivating to me in a way. I lost half inch off my hips this week, and THAT made me feel awesome. ;)
  • Taking care of your body, making a change, etc is sexy to me. The natural biological function that occurs when that change is made is neither sexy or gross to me.
  • Some very sobering truth here.
  • My mom lost 100lbs on Weight Watchers. When they made the assumption with the "free" fruits and veggies, she gained weight. I think WW kept defending it as you aren't going to gain weight on veggies, but in her case bananas .... she was eating a few every meal. I wouldn't consider labeling veggies punishment! If it feels…
  • Also, there's such thing as "disordered eating," not necessarily an eating disorder.
  • If you're into a 600-800 calorie restriction to promote weight loss, you might not want to participate in a community that encourages healthy weight loss. No matter how you spin it, that isn't considered healthy at all. You might want to check out Tumblr, you can find plenty of blogs that fit with your ideology and…
  • Hi. Add me if you'd like! I'm a former fit girl turned fat girl after years of hating myself and putting off emotional issues with food. I'm ready to lose it and be in my best shape ever. <3
  • Add me! I want to lose weight not out of self-hatred produced by the "ideal" body type, but I believe true feminism rests in being your healthiest, strongest self; not necessarily attached to your size.