

  • Hi - I'm a little late to the party, but thought I'd throw in my 2 cents...I have been a wee bit leery to talk about weight loss surgery on the message boards because some of the comments I've gotten have been pretty inappropriate - and in all honesty, a little mean. I had the Duodenal Switch (DS) done a year ago, and have…
  • Hi there! I have about 200 pounds to lose so I can VERY much relate to your post. I echo a lot of the other folks in that it's best to set smaller - more attainable goals. For example, I want to get down to 350 so that is my goal right now and once I hit that, then it's to be under 300. I used to keep thinking and thinking…
  • Wow - I am completely overwhelmed right now...for all of you to take the time to reply means so much. I appreciate all the different opinions and life experiences shared. I've had a chance to digest (excuse the pun :) all the comments and after talking things over with myself and with Marlon (my boyfriend of 20 years),…
  • Wow! Thanks! Great ideas and they all sound super tasty. Thanks a bunch for sharing. I'm going to print this out and keep it handy. Have a great rest of the weekend:smile:
  • Hi MommyWilson - Don't let yourself get too overwhelmed. I have over 200 pounds to lose myself and I can certainly understand where you are coming from (and trying to get to). It's great that you are planning - if I don't plan I just set myself up for complete failure. Take it one day at a time and forgive yourself for not…
  • Hi Chubsternomore! You are not alone. You and I are in the same boat. I also weigh 370 and want to get down under 200. I don't like mean people and I'm sorry you had to listen to comments when you were trying to be active. Don't let it get you down - just remember that mean people suck and you are doing the right thing!…