fengirl Member


  • Hey!! Well done you! I have been on MFP on and off over the last 18mths,fell off track but back on it again now. I need to keep motivated, and love MFP, it really help logging all the food etc.. So when is your wedding? That was the last time I really dieted properly, I wanted to be slimmer for my wedding too.. back in…
  • That's me! I am here daily... we all need some extra positivity to carry each other through.. :smile: Add me if you wish too. x Diane.
  • Count me in!! I joined on here the other year, dropped out and I am back with a vengeance :smile: I have about 40lb to lose and need to get healthy , this time I feel focused to do it.. I hate feeling unfit, hate looking at my clothes in the wardrobe that no longer fit me... :cry: and I want to do this for me. I am loving…