

  • Sadly I can top that. Sitting in Wendy's (those were the days LOL) and there's a mum in there with two girls approx 3 and 2 yrs old. The 2yr old is running around the restaurant with no pants on, eww right. But wait it gets worse. Mum decides it's time to leave and the kids don't follow, so she just walks out without them.…
  • Looking at your diary your protein is set very low and your carbs rather high. I would double your protein and lose some carbs - just my two cents, I'm no expert. :smile: ETA: I'm not a low carber I just mean that your fats seem about right so swap some carb cals for protein ones. Protein will also help you feel fuller.
  • I get seriously intense abdominal cramps (think labour pains) when I do intense cardio in the week prior to TOM. Have had tests and scans but nothing shows up. I have researched it online and seems quite common but no one can say for sure what causes it or how to stop it. I have tried many theories - not drinking too much…
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