

  • i agree with what others are saying: do what works best for you. for my schedule, it really needs to be first thing in the morning. plus my dog needs her exercise too (she has arthritis) and she seems to be more rested and flexible in the mornings too. she always comes along with me, so it all works out!
  • I read an article recently on yahoo featuring 500 calories (or less) fast food options. Maybe this will help! When you travel, are there ever microwaves in your room? I like to take Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers along with me if I'm…
    in Travelling Comment by eednic June 2009
  • that's awesome! i have a pit bull too (she is older, and has arthritis in her hips). we can't do a lot of running together, but she enjoys her walks immensely! she definitely keeps me motivated! congrats on your successes!
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