RonitaL89 Member


  • Eat more, but what you add in keep it only dark leafy greens, fruits and vegetables. Cut out refined sugars and flours. Good luck!
  • If you have pasta I would recommend the night before the race, and don't eat more than you normally would. I have really liked Peanut butter and honey on toast or a little greek yogurt and 1/2 banana about an hr before the race, and then gu or shot blok just before the race and a little about an hour into the race. I never…
  • I have been faithfully doing Zuzka Lights workouts (usually 2 stacked on top of each other or at least 30 min) Her workouts are centered on strength training, I highly recommend her program
  • Do you eat eggs and dairy? I have found that starting out the day with a shake made with plain nonfat greek yogurt or eggs has helped me be very successful. Quinoa is great, also have the goal to have dark leafy greens at least 2xs'day (I include them in my morning shake)