suehoo Member


  • You're right - I need to get a grip, it probably is fluid and I was probably a little depleted from the mountain climb. Thanks to all for the perspective and tips, Im going to incorporate those into my diet and exercise programme for sure . I'm back on track starting riiiiight...... nnnnnnnnow!
  • bmr5770: For the meals, I try to stay between ~150-400 calories with the lower range for 'snack' type meals and the upper for the breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I read in another post that calories over about 600 in a meal will naturally go to storage (fat) as your body just won't need to burn them that fast. ....I think…
  • Thanks to all..... maybe lack of exercise is the problem. I feel I make good choices with food (definitely during the week quite religiously with fresh homemade food everday), however the weekends can be a little more difficult when I go home (although not catastrophic in any way at all) . Maybe I just have to bite the…