

  • I use all the upper body resistance weights with low load and high reps. If you are just using weights at home just get the girly ones and follow their advice charts :)
  • First week of a month challenge Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 957 (gym:bike, treadmill, weights and walking) Tues: 0 (oops, I was at the olympics mens semi!) Wed: 887 (gym:bike, treadmill, weights ) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • I have similar issues with knees and air bag size!! Having done both running and cycling over the past few months I definitely prefer cycling. As I go to the gym I've just been working on upping my levels over time. I also walk uphill instead of run as it burns calories at not too bad a rate. Throw in a bit of rowing and…