2stella2 Member


  • You might try to eat a larger breakfast ... 100 calories for breakfast is very low ... the two ways to rev-up your metabolism is to eat and exercise. So try to eat less calories at the end of the day and more in the morning to rev-up your metabolism first thing. Also, hang in there! Be very proud that you haven't gained…
  • Hi! My kids are grown now... but I remember what an ordeal it was! My kids would eat completely frozen veggies, such as peas, carrots... if I cooked them, they wouldn't touch them!! I felt bad putting handfuls of frozen veggies in their dinner plates... but they ate them.. also I think we forget that little kids just don't…
  • You look AMAZING!...how did you get your legs and arms to be so toned? I am very concerned about extra skin sagging, (as I lose weight)...especially belly fat!...any helpful hints or suggestions? Again, you look wonderful! Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration!