

  • Hey there, new to this site and looking for encouraging people who are in the same boat as myself. We can do this. Not sure how to add people or do this just yet. you can add me if you like. wailani
  • Very new to this site. Just got to work, forgot my uniform, had one in my locker, put it on and can only button the top two...whoooa what happened? You are lucky to only have a few pounds to lose, but you will do it. I am there to encourage you and to push to you forward. feel free to add me if you care to and I will daily…
  • Ok gang...here we go...just joining but am thrilled and excited to do this...not sure ....can someone just zap this fat away? haha
  • OMg it is like reading what I want to say and I hav 82 pounds...please, please, please all help and be there to encourage one another...I am so ready to do this...and today is the first day of the rest of our skinny lives...wailani: