

  • I am actually taking a rest day today. My son (my personal trainer, even though he's 9!) is at a friend's house, so I'm allowing my body to rest. I'll pick back up tomorrow morning. PD- way to keep on pushing, and great that you noticed the posture early! I am going to have to pay attention to that in the morning. Mind…
  • I completed W1D2 and was able to jog through the 1st 3 jogs at :50, :40 and :50. Almost made it through all of them, but at least added to my W1D1! Tomorrow morning I will try to get :60 on all 3 of the first 3 jogs. Then I will add the 4th...and so on...until I can complete it. Once I can make it through all 8 jogs at :60…
  • Well - I jumped on board before next week - mind over matter - and was able to complete PART of the 1st session. I did the 5 minute walk, 40 seconds of the 1st and 3rd jogs, the 4 minute walk in between those and the 1.5 walk after the 3rd jog. It was about 1/2 the session. But...I don't feel defeated! I haven't jogged in…
  • Ok - I'm intrigued. You got me to check out the site and download the podcasts. I think I'll start this next week. We'll see!
  • Hey everyone! Need motivation and accountability (that I'm finding here!). Anyone who wants friends to trade ideas and keep motivated, I'm here! SW: 325 (7/25/13) CW: 317.5 (8/3/13) 1st GW: 275 by 12/1/13 GW: 175