

  • You look GREAT! What's your routine?!
  • I wouldn't suggest doing castor oil, only because I read some scary stuff that it could make baby poop inside of you and make you very sick. I don't know if that's true, but i wouldn't risk it. I did do an enema when I was 40 weeks to clean out because I was so constipated. They aren't pleasant, but they don't give you…
  • Name: Alyssa Hubby/Partner: Charlie How many kids do you have: This will be my first. =) Due Date: October 23rd, 2012 Do you know the gender: A girl. Have you picked out the baby's name: No Where do you live: US Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Elliptical, a modified version of the Nike Training Club app, and Lindsay…
  • I'm currently pregnant but I'll support you!
  • I'm currently pregnant and love jogging (though I've slacked lately) and I'm currently gaining but I'll support you!