dianefambry Member


  • Sugar is the #1 Enemy. Processed foods #2 Enemy. Diet soda keeps the liver (our fat burning tool) busy trying to get rid of the fake stuff (chemicals) that are used to make it taste good. Drink tons and tons of water and you won't get thirsty; you won't want to drink soda. Water only. It is the answer.
  • Hi. I cant believe how down-on-your-luck thing got. But welcome back. I'm back for 2nd round. 234 when I quit and coming back over 1 year later at 255. Lost 9 lbs so far. I have always been thin, my nick name was olive oil (from popeye). Since I gained 100 lbs I've noticed that the heat is hard on me and I hate sweating.…
  • I AGREE! Couldn't have said it better!
  • Columbus Ohio!