jeshey Member


  • Right on Citrislazer! I hope you win that $100K. That would be saweet!!! My verdict on the Tickle/Alessi collision? I think Alessi has some mental issues! I will keep my true thoughts to myself as they are not PG appropriate or PG 13 for that fact. I definately don't think it was an accident. I haven't seen all of this…
  • I have never had the opportunity to wear one while riding. It would be cool to do so though. I'd like to see the results from different types of riding. Moto, woods, trail riding, etc.
  • Hey group! I was super stoked to come across a group on MFP about dirt bikes, riding and motocross! I've been riding dirt bikes off and on pretty much my entire life; but started racing competively in 2007. I currently race the AMA National Enduro Series which is an offroad series. However I love practicing and riding with…