

  • I have the same thing ever since I hurt my knee at work, I was told it is the starting of arthitis.
  • 20? Is that 5 pounds? I look at it as bag of potatoes is 10 pounds, so I lost 1/2 bag of potatoes.
  • walk for mabe 5 minutes to warm up run for 20 and than walkj for 5 again. That works for me....also if you are sore eat a banana or orange before it helps. A tip I got from the coaches when I was in HS and on the swim team and track team
  • false I love beef The next person is a man.
  • Don't give up the things you love, if you want cake eat the cake. Just make sure you keep some calories free for it.
  • Hello, I'm 27 and also pretty new to this. I'm from Montana, US, and have about 30 pounds to lose. I was doing Weight Watchers, but left do to I wasn't losing the weight anymore. I learned about MyFitnessPal from one of my second cousins who is looking GREAT. I did about 66 minutes of walking a day, but now am thinking…
  • a banana or orange are nice because the potassium (is that right spelling?) helps after a workout. It reduces the cramping after hard workouts...not sure why just going based on what my coaches said when I was on swim team and track in HS.
  • Going on this quote it sounds like you are against all this stuff...have you seen the commericials for corn syrup sugar is sugar, also the stuff with this stuff being bad for it is bs. Going with that sunlight is bad for you, to much water is bad for you, caffine is bad for you. Seems like we can't live in a world where…
  • I don't know your gym, but don't alot of gyms have kid services for free with membership? If it has a baby service take your kids. Than you both can go.
  • Breakfast is exactly what it says in the name... "break"ing your "fast", you don't eat at night so your body is running low on fuel. If you're not hungry eat something light like a banana or apple, just give your body SOMETHING to process.
  • While there are people who need to be gluten free...I have friends who went gluten free because they THOUGHT it would help with weight loss. All it is doing is making them have to travel 50-100 miles to find stores that sell gluten free foods ( corn pastas, gluten free bread, ect)
  • I buy something like weightwatcherws or skinny cow icecream and limit it to ONE bar a night that way I get my icecream and feel good that most my calories went to food while a little went to that treat.
    in Junk food. Comment by pookaness May 2012
  • instead of cutting the sweets out of the house like most people seem to be saying, by the low fat, carb, over processed stuff. By slimfast bars and skinny cow and that stuff instead, than you can have sweets while still feeling good.