WolfEyedBear Member


  • I was wondering about diet pills too - but I think everyone hear says it well. You can accomplish it - set your goals, work hard on your goals, and enjoy your success when you get there. Avoid the pharmaceutical answer - make your success your own! I am just starting out - we can both make this work : )
  • Okay - I'm a guy... so here's my opinion. I am impressed by women that are comfortable enough in themselves to go to the gym not to look cute - but to work hard and earn the sweat! People (men and women) that go to the gym to look good while there (except for impressive workouts of course) are not there for the right…
  • Hello Jen! I am new here also - 6'5", 317lbs, target 235... I am giving up sweet tea (my biggest weakness) and larger portions. I would love to help motivate each other and see what we can accomplish! Tainted and Denise - Thanks for the positive words (even though they weren't aimed at me : ) Great Job Ejenkins - missed…