curlyokie Member


  • I am going to have to take a break from Insanity, there is something really wrong with my knee. I can barely walk today and I am unsure what I did to it, Insanity is the only exercise I've been getting. Wasn't able to work out and I'm a grumpy gus! I don't know if I'll be able to get back to it or if I need to do something…
  • Finished day 9 but I didn't think I was going to be able to. My left knee is really bothering me today, it has been dislocated several times. I really had to take it easy on some of the exercises and couldn't push myself like I would have liked. I'm going to ice it now and takes some Motrin, see if that helps. I really…
  • Just finished day 8, cardio power and resistance. Sweating buckets but feeling good!
  • Just completed day 6, Plyometrics Cardio Circuit. I am exhausted, very much looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. I am definitely seeing an improvement though, I was able to do several more pushups during the level 1 drills!
  • Almost forgot to update today but I finished day 5, pure cardio. Was very tough but I think I'm seeing some improvement in my endurance and the muscle soreness is pretty much gone. Very encouraged!
  • Finished day 4 today, which ended up being much tougher than I imagined but I am feeling much better, a lot less sore than I was this morning. I am kind of scared of tomorrow's "pure cardio" though!
  • Just finished day 3! My calves and shoulders were tight and sore when I got out of bed this morning but I thinking working out helped loosen them up some. I am really looking forward to cardio recovery tomorrow, I think it will be a nice "break."
  • Just finished day 2, Plyometrics Cardio Circuit. Was TOUGH! I was drenched in sweat and the level 1 drills just about did me in but I finished it (with several breaks). Eager to see how I improve over the remaining days.
  • I just started Insanity today as well, did my fit test and took pictures and measurements. I am excited to see how I improve and progress over the next 60 days. So glad to see this group!
  • I'm in, this sounds like just what I need!