Venu5 Member


  • Sorry for spelling (dodgy tablet that skips half the letters and adds extra ones !)
  • Hi, i haven't been on any med. But before, when i weighed around 10st, i just had the sideburns and a mini moustache that i bleached. But nkw at my current weight, around 16st, ive noticed tgat i have a monobrow, beard, and a major moustsche! I can no longer hide jt with bleach so i have to wax and pluck. I hhate being so…
  • Hiya, sorry I don't have any advice but I'm interested to find out what others have to write. We've been trying to conceive for quite a few years as well and we were finally considered for ivf, however they won't start the process until I also reduce my bmi. So, interested to find out what others say :) Good luck!