njconat Member


  • It is all in the way people say things. I don't mind being told I'm wrong or my ideas being challenged. But when a person is saying what i think is stupid or something along those lines i cant help but feel offended.
  • First of all that is a Pretty nasty way to act on a board that is supposed to be for supporting one another. Second, I try really hard not to eat back the calories I have burned. I burn 200-400 calories everyday when I exercise. I would be sick if I just ate it all back. I would feel like I just wasted all that time…
  • You look fantastic!! Keep up the good work.
    in 19lbs lost. Comment by njconat June 2013
  • By the way if your husband is calling you fat, and not beautiful, you need to give him a piece of your mind. Or find a man that is attracted tou you regardless.
  • I know exactly how you feel. Start watching what you eat and exercising as much as you can. Logging into mfp several times a day helps mr a ton. I feel like I'm obsessing over my weight loss goals but I an seeing results. Even the smallest changes make me feel sexier. I also drink tons of water to keep myself from getting…
  • I try to stay under 1200 calories and work out every day!
  • I miss being able to eat and not worry about it. I dont mind logging my food because I know it helps me but sometimes it is so hard to choose a salad when there is a greasy burger and onion rings on the menu.
  • Just got finished with day 1! Good job everyone for a successful workout!
  • My best advice would be to log BEFORE you eat. It really helps me to put into perspective how much im eating.
  • Im in! I had to look online at how long to do each level and it says to do each level for 10 days. Im excited but I hope I dont get bored... Im used to doing different workouts every day.
  • Im Nicole 26 years old 2 boys 5'2" HW: 180 CW: 165 GW: 140
  • Hello!! So excited to have found this group! My name is Nicole and I am a mother of two boys. Riley 4 and Lane 14 months. With my last pregnancy I was put on bed rest and then had a C section so I had to take it easy for another 3 months. I put on alot of weight. I have been using mfp for a while and it really keeps me on…
  • I love to eat cereal at night! It is my go to snack for sure. Paired with low fat milk, I don't think its to bad of a snack. Especially if we stick to the somewhat healthy cereals such as cheerios, and chex. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter