Looking at it and deciding to comment on it are two completely different things. Again - people who are logging everything they do as that added bit of motivation, fair enough - there is no problem with that. What the OP is getting at, quite rightly so (thought maybe not enough to post about it), is people not losing…
Are you saying that your are; - eating maintenance calories - counting activities then eating the kcal's back - have then lost weight (well done by the way :)) If that is the case then one, or both of these things is true... you have judged your maintenance level incorrectly resulting in you eating under your kcal…
I'd imagine what the OP is getting at here is people logging every day activities in an attempt to earn themselves calories that they can then 'eat back'. I think the whole eating back concept thing to be a bit strange personally - I would rather set my kcal goal to something that is mindful of my activity level including…
Doing my first 10KM on the 24th May - taking it fairly serious with my training runs going up to 13K at peak weeks. Hoping to do the half in October as well. Feel free to add, im weighing in around 16 stone and hope to be down around 14 for the 10k