melonydw Member


  • High protein and lots of water. Protein keeps you full longer and water will curb any fake hunger feelings you are getting. You should read "It starts with food". I started reading it not too long ago and it's very helpful and explains a lot about how the body works when it comes to food and cravings.
  • Definitely beef Jerky. It's like my crack, so we completely stopped buying it because there is no such thing as self control when that delicious stuff is in my house lol. Nibs are a big one too.
  • Takeout coffee, the cream was a killer! Granulated sugar (mostly), and less carbs. But i haven't 100% cut anything out, just using proper portions and making better decisions. And virtually no takeout food. Occasionally is ok but the realization that I have to work harder to burn it off is enough to make me not want it,…