ctw4 Member


  • Eat lots of healthy fats! I had the same problem when I first tried veganism, but now I love adding almond/peanut butter, coconut, olive oil, and avocado to my foods :). It's good for your hair, skin, and nails and actually helps you lose more weight too! If you need some recipe ideas, feel free to check out my blog!…
    in Vegans Comment by ctw4 July 2012
  • I find oatmeal really filling, especially when I pair it with healthy fats and proteins. Make sure you're eating rolled oats or steel cut and not the processed instant kinds. Try one of my oatmeal recipes--I promise they will keep you satisfied for the morning! http://barefootbaker.blog.com/recipes/
  • Order things that are baked, steamed, roasted, raw (like salads), rather than fried, sauteed, creamy, breaded, etc. You can ask for healthy modifications such as dressing on the side, or no mayonnaise or cheese. Drink water before so you're not too hungry, avoid the bread basket, and eat mindfully. But don't go to fast…