

  • The first night is the worst, but I tend to try and eat the same as I would during the day. Try and have breakfast before you start your shift, cook something and take it with you. But if you know you're a nibbler try cutting up a few carrots and cucumber, maybe some nuts to snack on. I also found these 'mug shots'.…
  • I'm exactly the same as you :) except my lowest weight was 126lb so I'm already lighter than that at 123lb :)
  • I forgot, I have a question. If you exercise on 'down days' do you eat 500 net calories taking into account what you burn off during exercise or just eat 500 calories and that's it?
  • I tried this for the first time today I made a tomato and bean soup for dinner which was 180 calories, plus a couple of ryvitas and room for some fruit too. I had work from 1-9pm which I think really helps because I could leave around lunchtime without feeling too hungry, be distracted at work all day and then by the time…
  • I kind of did a mixture of beginner and advanced, as there were some things I was more capable of, like plank, side plank, crunches, but had to stop advanced after I got a twinge in my back doing a russian twist! And the jumping ones were difficult coz I'm in a 2nd floor flat and didn't want to upset the neighbours by…