

  • Ok, so, the belly is normal? Or that I could be thinking it is bigger than normal when really it is fine? I can understand that, will definitely perhaps go speak to my doctor to see what they think and can advise, but I do know that it has gotten a bit bigger (and this is reflected in shirts being a bit tighter around that…
  • I'm 5'8" and 62kgs.
  • Well thanks for your help :) I'll do some more googling and basically aim to cut calories and just exercise.
  • So basically, it is all about the calorie counting AND cutting out most if not all of the junk food and things that are full of sugar... rather than just restricting down to eating not many carbs? It's so confusing as every other diet website etc says different things (some says less carbs are the best and don't worry so…
  • Hmmmm, probably a good several months (6 if not more). It's not increased massively but slowly over time. Not really aiming to lose the entire thing in 2 weeks, was looking to kick start it then maintain the losing of it by not eating so much junk or fast food, cutting out the coke (going from 2-3 cans a day down to like,…
  • Calories wise I'm not actually too bad (OK, well, aside from the nights I may pop to McDonalds :P). I can get rid of the junk food (*cries* coke *cries*) and planning on joining my local gym.
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