MrTubbs Member


  • You are welcome I do have windows 10. (which was your previous question). I switched over about a month ago. It was a little finicky fixing a printer issue. And for some reason when I opened the media player some of my songs reverted back to the working titles vs. the final titles. Overall, I'm liking the change. Do you…
  • I only had Fitbit Connect before. All it did was sync. Then I used the internet fitbit dashboard. Unfortunately, you can't see challenges when using it. Now, I've downloaded the Fitbit App for Windows 10. It has everything the regular internet dashboard has…
  • I uninstalled the Fitbit Connect. There is a new windows 10 Fitbit App you can download for free. It is way nicer. I just did it yesterday.
  • I was in a weekday hustler challenge through fitbit. I was so far behind. I set a goal of getting my 10 flights of stairs, then reaching my 10,000 step quota, then I felt if I pushed it I could come in second. Once I passed 2nd, I decided to rack up some active minutes for us. After awhile I got so invested that I wanted…
  • Welcome to the team. Yes, you need to add your name. And yes, "miles" are actually minutes of activity. And of course there are other fun road blocks you can do too. This week there are three. One is a dance. The video is posted. Give that a try if you'd like.
  • I also have a charge hr. I started using it in December.
  • Sorry, I've been away for a few days. Great job everyone. It was great to come back to a good read. I'll make up for my low numbers later in the week. I did manage to eat some Greek Yogurt.
  • Tuesday ideally, but weights will be accepted as late as Thursday
  • I've never done the challenge before, but my take on it is there are two separate challenges. 1) Spring Break Training Challenge, which is weight and nutrition related 2) Amazing Race, which is exercise related Any exercise will tally towards reaching your destination I think there is a chance during a roadblock she might…
  • Yes!!! I finally got placed on a team. I was worried when my name didn't show up on the first version. My name is Steve. I am a chronic yo yo'r. However, I hurt my back playing ball last August that in turn resulted in minimal exercise and lots of eating ever since. Now my back feels like I can push it again, but I have…
  • Sorry for the absence. But, I'm back. I just got a new snazzy phone to make recording everything super easy. I've been bad with eating habits. Ball season has started. Which always means weight gain in the past. Again P90X got to me after 3 weeks. I got injured and put it off. I've decided to modify P90X to make it more…
    in April Goals Comment by MrTubbs May 2013
  • I've been busy all weekend with a slo-pitch tournament. We lost in the finals... but I ended up earning my money back. As for P90X, it has gone pretty well. I've started week 3. However, I am extremely sore. Yesterday I had to pop several ibuprofen just so I could go to bed. I think it was not necessarily P90X, but playing…
  • I used to track food, but now I'm pretty good at portion control and knowing what is good.... so I prefer not recording anything. It helps keep me less paranoid about everything. With that being said, I've been known to lose focus and yoyo. I will definitely get down on the weigh in. That way if the weight does creep up…
  • I'm in. Time to get back on track. I'll weigh myself tomorrow since it has been multiple months of not weighing in (which I'm not looking forward to).