

  • They are in pretty much the same latitude but I have noticed since we have lived here that Indy is much warmer than Iowa. Here we hardly drop into the single digits and I don't know if we have ever been in the negative digits without a wind chill here. And we don't get nearly as much snow as we did when we lived in Iowa or…
  • I have lost 68 pounds so far, 20 since joining MFP. I have about another 60 I want to lose. I try to eat all fresh foods and no processed foods. I workout 5-6 times a week doing strength training and running.
  • I workout at the Baxter Y. I teach an Interval Training class on Monday and Wednesdays at 8:30 and I am coaching the Mini Marathon Training Group on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. I also do P90x, Insanity, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper and any other DVDs I have at home as well. Plus all the miles on the roads…
  • Unless it is super cold or really icy(I grew up in Iowa so my definition of cold is different than most Indiana natives), I run outside. I can't stand the dreadmill so running outdoors is my preference.
  • I am 6-weeks postpartum after a c-section and just had my first postpartum workout today. Hoping to get a run in tomorrow!! Six weeks of not being able to exercise has been killing me. I am doing my 5th half marathon in August and one in September and maybe one in October or November but haven't decided yet.
    in Hello Comment by runningmamaof2 May 2012
  • If you go to a specialty running store they should be able to help you find a good sports bra for your build.
  • I have a jogging stroller that I started using when my daughter was 1, she's now 4.5 years old. I bought a double jogging stroller after I found out I was pregnant and have used that with my daughter and plan to use it with my 6-week old. My daughter loves being in the stroller and we have done several 5k's in it. The…