

  • Short term goal that I hope to accomplish is 20lbs by Halloween. I am going to wake up every morning a little early and work out before my daughter gets up. By next Dragon*Con I want to lose enough weight to cosplay Wonder Woman :)
  • Our first night of Arena Pass is tonight :) Going for the pet for sure and maybe the title. One of our team mates has never really done PVP so it is a wait and see. If it goes well then we will go for the title as well if not then at least we get a cute little pet! :D
    in Nerd Night Comment by ladygigis May 2012
  • WoW player here! I sometimes play my PS3 but that is more for the hubby's enjoyment then mine... I mostly use it for Netflix. I am a hordie on Mug'thol :) I also have alts on Argent Dawn and Moonguard but their both Horde. I have ONE Ally toon on Mug'thol.... I just don't like Alliance as much as Horde *shrugs* my two…
    in Videogames Comment by ladygigis May 2012
  • I'm Gigi and my superpower is trolling my guildmates in super secret ways.... like changing their guild notes to something ridiculous... The other night one our guild mates who used to have 'Jean-Luc Picard' as his guild note was being referred to by another person 'We are doing this for Jean-Luc Picard....who wears purple…
  • Hello! I am a geeky girl with a geeky husband and a future geek daughter! We play WoW, and I am a total lore nerd! I can tell you just about anything about WoW history and like to put on my tin foil hat too! :D I grew up watching Star Trek and am completely in love with Wil Wheaton, he was my first celebrity crush and I…
  • I know this old and stuff but you can also make substitutes. Like carrot chips (fresh carrots cut in a ruffle look) make a great alternative to potato chips. Also fruit kabobs can give you the benefit of eating fruit but without the mess getting on your hands. While you can't control what other people serve you can always…